jeudi 4 février 2021

DISC Governance : a design pattern for enterprise governance [fev 2021]

The pattern "Dominance, Inducement, Submission, Compliance", which forms the acronym DISC and where the terms are respectively associated to the colors blue, red, yellow and green, originated in William Moulton Marston's book Emotions of Normal People (1928) [1a][1b].

Since then, Marston's pattern has been interpretated into tools that help trainers and coaches to steward their clients ; for exemple, some of these tools can help identifying personality or assessing skills set [2].

To deliver governance services [3] to enterprises, we have designed a new interpretation of DISC : Delegate, Influence, Support, Command, where the associated colors are respectively purple, green, blue and red.

This design pattern names four governance regimes :

  1. Delegate Governance Regime
  2. Influence Governance Regime
  3. Support Governance Regime
  4. Command Governance Regime.

 This genuine design pattern has been named "DISC Governance".


The DISC Governance design pattern can be an efficient tool to enlighten a creation path.

For exemple, we can observe a kind of creation within a very special context. 

This context is the Ecole Polytechnique alumni association (AX) and the kind of creation is the creation of think tanks within AX, called "Groupe X".

Various paths of creation can be observed [4]. 

These paths can be enlightened with the DISC Governance design pattern :

  • path under Command Governance Regime, the path mostly followed by Groupe X founders : X-Intellectual-Property (2008),...
  • path under Influence Governance Regime : X-Open-Innovation (2012),...
  • path under Support Governance Regime : X-Diversity (2016),...

Creation date  Creation governance regime 
X-Propriété-Intellectuelle 2008 Command Governance Regime
X-Open-Innovation 2012 Influence Governance Regime
X-Diversité 2016 Support Governance Regime

Finally, The DISC Governance design pattern can be used to support the situational theory of leadership  [5a][5b].   

[1a] DISC acronym : various interpretations, L'entreprise numérique créative, déc. 2020
[1b] DISC coloring patterns, L'entreprise numérique créative, nov 2020
[2] Sens de la communication, ou bien, loyauté intellectuelle ? X-Soft-Skills
[3] Do-Khac Decision
[4] Soft skills : après les Binets, les Groupes X, X-Diversité/AX, 10/03/2020
[5a] 10 leadership theories : a genuine table with emblematic authors, X-Soft-Skills 
[5b] Patterns of the situational theory and the transformational theory of leadership, X-Soft-Skills


About the creator of the design pattern

Tru Do-Khac (X79), a Vietnamese French consultant,  has a hands-on experience of enterprise culture. 

In the first part of his career, he served companies of worldwide culture reputation (IBM and Accenture), an european company (Alcatel NV, today Nokia) and a French large company which has become international (France Telecom, today Orange). He eventually joined a telecom consulting SME based in Paris.

In the second part of his career, he has been delivering consulting services, designing soft skills tools,  making self-funded research on management, writing two books,  nurtuing several blogs, while volonteering in social activities.